Florence Littauer Hailed as one of the 10 notable Christian figures who died in 2020

Florence Littauer delivering her classic “Silver Boxes” message

One of the nation’s most comprehensive Christian news websites, The Christian Post, released a list of 10 notable Christian figures who died in 2020. The list included 8 men and 2 women—one of whom was Florence Littauer.  

According to the article, “Littauer is regarded as a pioneer in women’s ministry, as she was a popular speaker at Christian ministry events during the 1970s, at a time when men dominated the speaking circuit.” In the tribute to Florence, it cited best-selling author, John Maxwell was quoted using accolades such as “true legend” and “a trailblazer” to describe Florence’s contribution toChristianity. He credited her with opening “the door for thousands of women to develop their leadership and communication skills.”

In addition to her accomplishments as a prolific speaker and writer, Florence founded a training program for Christian speakers and leaders. Over a period of more than 35 years, her CLASSeminar trained thousands of men and women in leadership, speaking and writing. Ministries too numerous to count were launched and hundreds of books were published as a direct result of her efforts. 

While Littauer made a dramatic impact on the world of Christian ministry, the public knew her best as a “Bestselling Christian self-help author and speaker” with more than 40 books to her credit. Her most popular, Personality Plus, sold millions of copies and was translated into more than 25 languages. She popularized the concepts known as The Personalities and made the terms Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholy and Phlegmatic part of the vernacular—especially in the Christian community. 

In part, to honor her legacy and to advance her contribution ThePersonalities.com website was launched in 2020 just weeks before her death on July 11, 2020. The “Free Resources” section of the website offers two of her classic speeches and the video of her “Send-Off Party.”


  1. Ann Downing on January 13, 2021 at 10:13 pm

    I have to give honor to Florence for changing my life in the 80’s. Listening to her Personality Plus tapes with my husband Paul helped us to begin a journey of seeking God’s healing on our marriage that was looking to crumble to pieces.
    After Paul passed away, I was so grateful for the opportunity to work with Florence as a member of her CLASS. I’ve never been the same.
    I loved Florence and will love her always.

    • Marte Simpson on January 14, 2021 at 4:22 am

      Dear Ann:
      Good to hear your voice! Blessings! We have Paul’s cassettes in our Torah Room!

  2. Marte Simpson on January 14, 2021 at 4:20 am

    Her Silver Boxes is one of our favorites and not just because our daughter Cherie is featured on page 9 and on the origami instructions. Florence in her unique way gave her time and curiosity to our daughter and taught her in one moment how to make someone feel special, a trait our daughter displays all over the world as she plans and organizes runs in National Parks. Both my husband and I were part of CLASS, and Promise of Restoration under Florence & Fred Littauer ; and I attended so many of the Southern California Women’s Retreats which Marita planned and hosted. Our family was forever changed by their leadership and mentoring! To God be the Glory!

  3. Debbie Zipp on January 14, 2021 at 4:29 am

    Loved making your acquaintance. Thank you for all things beautiful. Memories are “CLASS-E” always warm.

  4. Mary Kate (Fischer) Phipps on January 15, 2021 at 1:54 am

    Florence told me once that my Mom (Mary Fischer/Flowerland) gave her the Idea for the Silver Boxes Book. But I never knew why? Maybe I need to read it Again!?!
    I L♡VED taking the CLASS Seminars/Training!

  5. Theresa Stewart on January 15, 2021 at 5:33 am

    I first heard about Florence through Emilie Barnes when she came to Tulsa to do her sweet talk On “If Tea Cups Could talk and about her life’s journey and how much her life was touch by Florence and Fred and how they became dear friends. My sister in love invited me that day to a ladies tea at a local church and I was so intrigued to learn more about the Personalities, that I decided to get several books that day Florence and Marita her daughter wrote and learned so much w my hubby and I both being difference personalities, it helped me so much to understand why he wasn’t a bubbly sanguine personality like me and he wanted things “perfect” and I by no means was perfect in the areas he thought I should be..I wanted to love life and have fun and loved people and was a sunny personality and on the other hand he was so subdued..BUT it helped us understand we are all wired directly. Which by the Way is the newer version you can find on Personality Plus which has great video content and Bible study teaching as well you could use it for your churches to help others understand one another much better and in a great easy format. I got the sweet Privilege of taking the Certification class yrs ago and also just about 3 to 4 months before Florence passed away, she was so gracious to take my call and we got to speak 1 hour and 1 minute. I was so thankful and will always Hide In my heart ❤ those little nuggets she shared w me that day when we talked about a red suit she had that I got the blessing to ge able to recreate something new with. She was so excited to give me nuggets to talk about weaving things on our lives w what God is doing behind the scenes we don’t always get to see with our own eyes 🙂 and he takes those remnets we think aren’t worth much and creates something fabulous w them. She told me I would know what to say when I needed it. I hadn’t written it down quite like this and this brings sweet tears thinking of her tonight and I am so thankful she was a part of my woven tapestry as well in my life time. She was such a precious soul. Please take a moment to check out more of Marita’s precious page she has relaunched in memory of her sweet mom also. She didn’t ask me to say that, but there is still so much amazing context abd content we can learn from Florence that she has left us with for generations to come 🙂

  6. April Holthaus on January 19, 2021 at 5:40 pm

    As a young Christian struggling with life’s issues, I attended a church meeting where Florence spoke, that changed my life ‘s direction. Under her teaching and many seminars later I began sharing the personalities as I spoke to ladies groups. The impact she had in my life has helped me live as an overcomer these last 28 years as a widow. Think of you often Florence 🥰