My Phone has the Blues
Ask any Blue (Perfect Melancholy) and they’ll tell you that there’s a place for everything and everything should be in its place. One look at our phones and you’ll see that there’s no such thing as carrying this philosophy to an extreme. At first glance you’ll marvel at the visual appeal, how the sleek and simple lines of our icons complement the soft background. Greens (Peaceful Phlegmatic) and Yellows (Popular Sanguine) won’t notice but Reds (Powerful Choleric) like Daphne will appreciate Blue’s organizational savvy.
Of course, we have methodically arranged our icons within categories and alphabetized wherever possible. Just for kicks, I asked my Green husband, Dave, to take a screen shot of his phone. I had to wonder, How can he possibly function? Apps not alphabetized! Little red circles with unanswered notifications that have reached double and even triple digits, a virtual desk thatʼs cluttered with piles of unfinished projects just mocking you! I feel uneasy, slightly agitated. My brain is fogging up. Blues, you know what Iʼm talking about. Dave insists that some thought has gone into his icon placement. I smile assuredly at his attempt, bless his heart.
Cheryl, Yellow through and through, confesses her randomness and says she’s never even bothered to learn how to organize her icons. I bet she knows how to Emoji herself. What Yellow hasnʼt learned how to do that?
Some might consider this attention to proper icon placement a means of procrastination. We Blues know better. This exercise in protocol—as long as it takes to get it just right—is essential to the perfect execution of any worthwhile project. Can I get a witness?